New Floor
Last month I finally put down the floor I’ve been talking about for so long. My dad came into Blacksburg just to help me put in the floor (and by help, I mean he did most of the work).
The cost of it all? Less than $800. Of course labor was free and you’d be looking at 3-4 times that cost for the same work we did.
Looks great Mike. Good thing we have such a nice and talented father!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother does nice work and he even cleans up after himself 🙂
NOW I remember why we’ve never fixed our floors. Nothing is ever easy, surprisingly though, not even in a new house. Imagine what we’ll find when we start dismantling eighty years of…god-knows-what.
Um, has Meko forgiven you yet for all the hoo-hah?
My buddy Meko! I can imagine he voiced his complaints often, and loudly … he’s good at that.
Looks great, nice to have that project done, I’m sure.
Hey Mikey-Mike, I think you need to have some nice TOTALLY finished photos of the flooring project, especially the “transitions” from one flooring type to the other, and explain how a two day project turned into five days of “torture” for your poor father. We actually had a blast and hopefully you learned how to do the next project on your own, or I can “instruct” you through pictures on the blog. We should have taken pictures of the truck, totally “loaded to the gills” with the tools of the trade, to do something very simple as laying a new floor. It’s amazing what you can do with $2000 worth of tools. God bless America. We are going to need it!