Tech Update
Just some randomness I found interesting from today. If anything, the cute cat video is worth checking out.
From Jason Calacanis who runs
37Signals’s (who know how to run an effective online company IMO)Â retort to Calacanis’s post:
On browser standards compliance, the Acid3 test has been recently released and all the major browsers have been tested:
It’s no surprise to anyone that IE is at the bottom of the list, but what’s funny is MS declared that IE 8, which is not even due out yet, *might* pass the Acid2 test, which has been out for almost 2 years now. As for the Acid3 test, it only scored 17%. What’s even funnier is that IE 5.5 beats 6 and 7, which would show the trend of IE getting worse on web standards, were it not for IE 8’s better showing (but not by much).
If you’re not familiar with the Acid tests, Wikipedia has you covered:
And while not a tech update, unless they start making feline robots that are as funny as the real things ( sound required), I felt this was probably interesting as well as true, only because I found it on the internet: